When choosing an automobile insurance policy, it is very easy to rely on an agent’s knowledge of state-mandated specifics and recommendations. The best way of knowing about your state’s minimum insurance rates is to research it for yourself. Here is why:
Different States, Different Rates
There truly are different rates for different states. Every state has its minimum insurance requirements. These figures are based on statistical collations of accident reports and other types of data. You do not need to take a course in statistics to understand the particulars of the process. However, what you do need to understand is that this sort of analysis affects how the state you live in determines the base price of what you need to pay to insure your vehicle. Understanding the basic amounts lends you a knowledgeable base of realizing what you are paying for and why you are paying it.
Agents are Only Human and Sometimes Not Local
Insurance companies have multiple call centers that can be located anywhere in the country. While nationwide access and coverage are wonderfully convenient, it may not inform your locality. In other words, just because a Florida-based agent quotes you a price for an Oregon-based policy does not mean your quote is on point. Information from a computer monitor does not replace true experience and knowledge, so be sure that your quote is coming from an informed source. Do your research, and be sure to ask your agent all relevant questions.
Changing Requirements
Sometimes, things change. That also includes mandated insurance premium rates by state. Here is the deal: state politics shift periodically because elections happen. Therefore, so do mandates and subsequent conditions. Staying on top of automobile insurance requirements helps you negate administrative changes and keep your policy on par with your resident state.
When you have to insure your car (and, by all means, you should because the law requires it), it will always be to your benefit to be legally compliant within your state’s requirement. Knowledge is your friend in this case. Know your automobile insurance needs and insure your own protection.
If you have any questions about state minimums or if you want a free Colorado car insurance quote, give us a call at 720-457-1101.