About Us
Colorado Insurance Quotes
For More than 20 years Premier has been helping customers to Save & Protect Your Tomorrow. Today Premier is one of the leading and largest independent agency groups in the country, with hundreds of agencies and thousands of license agents and staff coast to coast.
We are an independent agency with the customer in mind. We have relationships with dozens of insurance companies, allowing you to get the right price with the right service. Whether you have the ideal history, preferred companies desire, or a not so perfect history, we find the right coverage, with the best company, at the best price for you. Make the latest changes to your policy directly from our website twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Use any of our convenient forms for policy service directly from your home or office. As an independent insurance agent we can offer the right coverages with the personal touch you would expect from your neighborhood insurance agent.
Save $
That means savings on the insurance that protects what you’ve worked hard for: The Automobiles you have; Your Home; Your Business, and More… Savings is only a click or call away.
Save Money while getting the protection right for your budget and right for your needs. Your Premier agent can quote you with up to 10-20 or more different insurance carriers for Auto, Home, and Business Insurance. If your agent is only quoting you one carrier you owe it to yourselves to shop around…
A+ Service
Today’s world demands service Faster, Easier, & Simpler, without giving up in Quality. Your Premier agent delivers the best in service to you day in and day out. But for some of the simple things people like to have direct access.
A Premier independent agency owner is likely very close to you, coast to coast. Do business with someone you know. It can make a difference when you actually have to use your insurance.
National Power
Premier Group Insurance Inc. is on of the largest agency groups in the United States. We make more than 200 insurance carriers available to hundreds of independent agencies coast to coast to coast. Those agents select the top insurance carriers for their locale to best meet your needs where you live.
Local Presence
Premier does this by having agents near you to work with you. Each agency is independently owned and operated, but each is all about being in service to you, to Protect Your Tomorrow - Your Total Property & Casualty Protection and Your Budget
Writing Auto and Home policies together can save you money. Your Premier independent agent can discuss with you a great many options on how to save on your insurance premium.
Your Needs May Change
Insurance Check-ups with your agent before a claim are important. The right protection for your budget is important. If what you are insuring changes in any way, please contact your agent.
Insurance Opportunities
Premier agencies are growing rapidly. This means we have staff opportunities all around the country for support for existing agencies. If you are interested in becoming a Premier Agency Owner, click here, please…
